Director Business Development & Healthcare Liaison EIT Health Austra

Gerda Achzet is Director Business Development & Healthcare Liaison at EIT Health Austria. Gerda has 25 years of experience in...

Co-Founder & Chief Business Officer at Synaptiq

Diana Andritchi is Co-Founder & Chief Business Officer at Synaptiq. I am happy I had the opportunity to build this...

Head of the pediatric department at St Josef Hospital in Vienna

Dr. Roland Berger is head of the pediatric department at St Josef Hospital in Vienna. Training as a pediatric specialist...

Founder Seizure Assistant

Bright M Bwalya is the founder of Seizure Assistant and an international award winning Epilepsy & Mental Health advocate and...


Maggie Childs is an American entrepreneur and media maker based in Vienna, Austria. She founded and was the CEO of...

Patient Advocate

Mona Elzayat, MSc., a breast cancer survivor, has dedicated her life to supporting patients with oncological and chronic diseases –...

CEO Transform Health and Global Strategist in Digital Health

Lucien Engelen is CEO of Transform Health and speaker. He is a healthcare innovation strategist for, among others, the Center...

Philanthropist and Founder of Zero Project

Martin Essl is an entrepreneur, coming from an entrepreneurial family in Austria that is also well-known for its dedication to...

Managing Director Health Hub Vienna

Irene Fialka is Managing Director of Health Hub Vienna, the open innovation platform for transforming the healthcare system through innovation,...

Professor of IT and IP Law, University of Vienna

Nikolaus Forgó is Professor of IT and IP Law and the Head of the Department of Innovation and Digitalisation in...

Bestselling author, entrepreneur and founder of Rebels at Work

Anja Förster is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and founder of Rebels at Work. With her groundbreaking thinking, and a healthy...

CEO at Oroboros Instruments

Erich Gnaiger is the founder and CEO of the company Oroboros Instruments (www.oroboros.at) with world-wide technological leadership in High-Resolution FluoRespirometry,...

Shoulder Surgeon, Founder and CEO of Akunah

Dr Gupta is a Sub specialist shoulder surgeon working in Brisbane Australia. He is the Co-Director of the Australian Shoulder...

Executive City Councilor for Finance, Economy, Labor, International Affairs

Peter Hanke is Executive City Councilor and Provincial Councilor in Vienna and is responsible for the areas of finance, economics,...

Head of Erste Health Center, Board Member Erste Foundation

Professional career 1992 to 1998: Internship in Salzburg and Vienna 1998: Final examination and diploma in occupational medicine 2000: Head...

Medical Laboratory Director & CEO, Vascular Research

Dimitrios C. Liapis is the Medical Laboratory Director and CEO of Vascular Research SA, a private medical research and primary...

CEO & co-founder Image Biopsy Lab

Richard Ljuhar is CEO and co-founder of Image Biopsy Lab. After finishing his studies at the Technical University Vienna, Richard...

Founder CAPE 10 and Future Health Lab

Siegfried Meryn is Professor Emeritus at the Teaching Center of the Medical University of Vienna, specialist and professor for internal...

The Medical Futurist

Dr. Bertalan Mesko, PhD is The Medical Futurist and the Director of The Medical Futurist Institute analyzing how science fiction...

Partner at Tagliente Consulting

Ilaria Mosca is an international health economist and financing expert with 20 years of professional experience in academia, governmental, and...

CEO & Co-Founder ThinkSono

Fouad Al Noor is CEO and co-founder of ThinkSono. Fouad has a masters degree in Electronic Engineering with Nanotechnology from...

Head of Government Relations and Coms at AccelerateEstonia

Anett Numa is Head of Government Relations and Coms at Estonia’s governmental innovation lab – AccelerateEstonia. Having lived and studied...

Regional Director EIT Health InnoStars

Ferenc Pongrácz is Regional Director EIT Health InnoStars. He has extended international management experience in business leadership positions, including Managing...

Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection

Johannes Rauch is the Austrian Federal Minister for Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection. Panel: What do we need...

Co-Founder & COO Plato Digital

Caroline Ringauf is co-founder & COO Plato Digital. As Co-Founder and COO of Plato Digital, Caroline is enabling cancer patients...

Patient Advocate

Claas Röhl is founder and chairman of NF Kinder, founder and chairman of EUPATI Austria, founder and vice chairman of...

Senior Partner and Healthcare Expert at Roland Berger Consulting

Oliver Rong is a Senior-Partner at Roland Berger’s Office in Hamburg. He can look back on more than 25 years...

Innovation Manager at Health Hub Vienna

Rebeca Sabou is Innovation Manager at Health Hub Vienna. Moderation: Session: How is Finance influencing Health?​ Panel: How is Finance...

Managing Director LISAvienna

As head of the Deep Technologies Department at the Austrian federal promotional bank, Austria Wirtschaftsservice GmbH (aws), Johannes Sarx is...

Founder at Instruclick

Lukas Schober is an entrepreneur, consultant and university lecturer. His mission is to overcome obstructive conventions through digital innovations in...

Founder and CEO at eMurmur

2014-Current – Founder and CEO at eMurmur , CSD Labs GmbH 2013-2014 – Deputy Head of the Institute of Biomechanics,...

Founder & CEO SIMCharacters

Jens-Christian Schwindt is founder and CEO of SIMCharacters. www.simcharacters.com TechInfusion: SIMCharacters – High-end Simulators for Training in Neonatology


Director of Digital Transformation, The Novartis Foundation

Lucy Setian is responsible for the digital transformation strategy of the Novartis Foundation and its execution with the aim to...

IoT and Sensors Domain Director, Eight Bells Research

Simos Symeonidis is IoT and Sensors Domain Director at Eight Bells Research. Eight Bells Research Eight Bells (8BELLS) is an...

Associate Director of Academic Affairs, Icahn School of Medicine

Dr. Birgit Vogel is a cardiologist and cardiovascular disease researcher, and Associate Director of Academic Affairs at the Center for...

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