Erich Gnaiger is the founder and CEO of the company Oroboros Instruments ( with world-wide technological leadership in High-Resolution FluoRespirometry, reference laboratories in 50 countries, >4500 O2k-Publications listed on our website, and >1450 award-winning O2k-FluoRespirometer instruments sold. Erich Gnaiger has scientific and technical expertise in the fields of mitochondrial physiology and pathology, microcalorimetry and biological thermodynamics, contributing fundamentally to the understanding of mitochondrial respiratory control by oxygen, and development and application of high-resolution respirometry to cellular bioenergetics and the diagnosis of mitochondrial defects, particularly in relation to hypoxia, cold storage and ischemia-reperfusion injury. He is initiator (2003) and chairman of the International Mitochondrial Physiology Society (MiP;, and has organized numerous conferences (particularly MiP2003, MiP2005, MiP2010, MiP2013, MiP2014, and MiP2023 in Austria), workshops (more than 160 international workshops on High-Resolution FluoRespirometry), and training courses on mitochondrial physiology, bioenergetics and biological thermodynamics, and is editor of several proceedings of international meetings. The international teaching activities range from thermodynamics of irreversible processes for chemical engineers (EU-level training; member of the IUPAC steering committee on biological thermodynamics) to mitochondrial physiology (Innsbruck Summer School 1991; initiator of the MiPsummer Schools 2007, 2008, 2017 in Austria; 2009 in Louisiana, US; 2010 in Lithuania, 2018 in Norway, 2023 in Austria). Erich Gnaiger is Editor-in-Chief of ‘Bioenergetics Communications’ and ‘MitoFit Preprints’. He is Chair of the Mitochondrial Physiology Society, and was Chair of the past COST Action CA15203 MitoEAGLE (2016-2020).