Health Literacy is one of the most important drivers of health. In Austria we get older than before but we do not age very healthy. In fact we get sick earlier than the average European person. Knowing about how to positively influence ones personal health is not only important to stay healthy until a higher age but also the best way to reduce costs in the healthcare system.
Health Literacy is the ability to find, understand, assess and apply health information in order to make appropriate health decisions in everyday life. Health literacy is needed in the areas of disease management, prevention and health promotion for oneself, for one’s neighbours and for people for whom one has responsibility. Good health literacy enables people to maintain or improve their health, thus quality of life throughout their lifetime.
But how do we reach everyone? How can we support everyone to understand the complex relations between our own everyday-decisions and the long-term health status?
There are innovations available that specifically aim at increasing health literacy. At the Health Hub Vienna Meetup we will show a selection of startups / innovations and discuss with experts how to make the solutions really create value for the entire population in Austria and beyond.
Find more information and get your ticket for the livestream here
Health Hub Vienna meetup series is an informal, open forum inviting stakeholders, clinicians, selected start-ups, and partners to focus on the future and best practice in implementing solutions in order to speed up the adoption of innovation and, thereby, the transformation in healthcare that we urgently need.